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Facebook Adds Relationship Options for LGBT Couples

February 17, 2011

By Gilbert Falso :: 8:40 PM

Effective tonight, Facebook has made two relationship status indicators available to to the LGBT community in the United States.

Facebook users who are U.S. residents will now be able to select a relationship status of “In a domestic partnership” or “In a civil union,” along with the standard selections of Facebook relationship options, such as “Single,” “In a relationship,” “Engaged,” “Married,” “It’s complicated,” “In an open relationship,” “Widowed,” ‘Divorced” and “Separated.”

Although only available to those in the U.S., the new options will be opened to residents in other countries shortly. However, in countries where same-sex marriages are already allowed by law, these options will most likely not appear.

Facebook is responding to increasing pressure from the LGBT community to add these status indicators, a company representative said in published reports, “This has been a highly requested feature from users. We want to provide options for people to genuinely and authentically reflect their relationships.”

The dropdown in the Facebook Profile management screen now shows the following choices below:

Facebook Relationship Status Selector

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