Facebook Testing New “Happening Now” Feature
By Gilbert Falso :: 6:16 PM
Facebook has begun testing a new Twitter-style feature dubbed “Happening Now.” It appears as a sidebar along the right-hand side of your Facebook stream.
In this new sidebar, which will be updated in real-time, you’ll see links your friends have shared, actions they have taken, and social check-ins.
According to sources currently testing the feature, there appears to be some duplication of content that appears in a user’s wall and in the “Happening Now” stream. Facebook is still working all the kinks out, most likely.
Screenshot courtesy of Amit Misra
In a statement on their blog, Facebook said the following, “We are currently testing a feature within News Feed that gives people the ability to see what their friends are commenting on and ‘liking,’ as these actions are being taken on Facebook. This test includes a small percentage of Facebook users, just a fraction of a percent. In the coming weeks, as we learn more from this test, we’ll keep making improvements and may expand it to more people.”