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iOS 5 Adds Support for More Than Just Twitter

June 10, 2011

iOS 5 to offer broad social media integrationBy Paul Thomson :: 5:48 PM

AllThingsD is reporting that Apple’s new mobile operating system, iOS 5, will integrate contacts from social networks other than Twitter.

When Apple announced enhancements to iOS earlier this week, the company talked up and demonstrated the seamless way that the operating system will support Twitter. However, it appears that support for Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr and MySpace are also available in the new OS.

According to Liz Gannes‘ post, “the iOS 5 address book has a field not just for Twitter, but also offers space to add friends’ handles on Facebook, Flickr, LinkedIn and Myspace. Alongside a person’s email address and phone number, an iOS user can also add links to their accounts around the Web. Then Apple auto-populates the URL for each of the services. Clicking on the account name opens up Safari to that person’s profile page.”

Right now, the new iOS is only available to the developer community. It will not be generally available to the public until Fall, 2011.