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Private Messages Appearing on Facebook

September 24, 2012

By Gilbert Falso :: 3:22 PM

Facebook users are reporting a breach of privacy this afternoon as private messages from 2009 and earlier are suddenly appearing on their public timelines and Facebook walls. According to a report on TechCrunch, the messages are appearing as  Timeline messages “posted by friends.”

A Facebook spokesperson told the blog that, “A small number of users raised concerns after what they mistakenly believed to be private messages appeared on their Timeline. Our engineers investigated these reports and found that the messages were older wall posts that had always been visible on the users’ profile pages. Facebook is satisfied that there has been no breach of user privacy.”

However, it seems as if Facebook’s explanation is not true, as many users are reporting on Twitter that their private messages have been compromised.:




We’ll keep our ears open for an update on this.

Filed under → Privacy, Social Media, Twitter