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Time Warner to Begin Charging Monthly Cable Modem Rental Fee

October 3, 2012

By Cynthia Herbert :: 12:22 AM

Time Warner, the broadband and cable giant, has announced that it will begin charging high-speed Internet customers a monthly cable modem rental fee.

Notifications were mailed to customers beginning this week, and state that the company will assess a $3.95 fee per month on accounts that rent a cable modem. The letter also advised customers that they could avoid the fee by purchasing a modem of their own, at a cost of $50 to $150.

The company issued the following statement to the New York Times:

As we continue to deploy more and more cable modems, many of these modems need servicing or replacing, get damaged and some are not returned. The monthly lease charge will allow us to service or replace the equipment as needed and helps provide a better user experience.

Fees like this are not unheard of in the broadband services industry. Time Warner’s rival, Comcast, charges $7 per month to customers who rent cable modems.

The following modems will work with Time Warner’s high-speed cable service, according to the company’s website:

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