Nintendo Sells Only 57,000 Wii U Consoles in Jan
By Cynthia Herbert :: 1:01 PM
Nintendo’s next generation console, the Wii U
, had dismal sales numbers for January. The company has reported that it only sold 57,000 units during the month of January.
To put that number in perspective, sales of Microsoft’s console numbered 281,000 for the same period. And, if we go back and compare same-month statistics to the launch of the original Wii, Nintendo sold 435,000 of those consoles during its first month out.
Trouble with Wii U sales are negatively affecting Nintendo’s earnings for the reporting period that ended on December 31. The company said that it has only sold about 3 million Wii U’s since introducing it in November. The company is hoping that new games in the lineup, including a new one in the popular Legend of Zelda franchise, would help create some momentum for the Wii U.