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West Virginia First State to Ban Google Glass Use While Driving

March 24, 2013

By Cynthia Herbert :: 10:36 PM

No Google Glass while driving in West Virginia.Although they’re not even widely available yet, outside of Google’s exclusive developer program, West Virginia is the first jurisdiction to attempt to ban the use of Google Glass while operating a motor vehicle in the state.

The legislation, which was introduced by West Virginia representative Gary Howell, adds Google Glass to the state’s current regulations against texting while driving. Howell said that the bill was inspired by a review of Google Glass that he read in the tech press, and his feelings that the emerging technology would be a distraction to drivers.

Under the proposed law, Google Glass would be grouped together with handheld cellular phones and other electronic devices which the state already bans from use by the operator of a motor vehicle. The fine for the first offense is $100, and second, third, and subsequent offenses are fined at $200 and $300 respectively.