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Yahoo Introduces New Apps for Mail and Weather

April 18, 2013

By Paul Thomson :: 5:41 PM

Yahoo releases new apps for maps, weather.Yahoo today announced that it has introduced new mobile apps for its Yahoo Mail and Yahoo Weather products.

The company’s new e-mail app debuts for tablets, both the iPad and Android flavor, and the new weather app is currently only available on iOS.

With the tablet Yahoo Mail app, Yahoo has completely redesigned how a mail app functions, and gives the user an interface that more closely resembles a magazine with a Flipboard-type experience to perusing your messages.

The company is pitching its new look for Mail as “Unbox Your Mail.”

“You will have a hard time going back to a normal mail experience,” claims Adam Cahan, Yahoo’s senior vice president of mobile products.

Enhancements in the weather app include a link to Flickr photos of the cities that users are checking on with the application. If you’re looking for the weather conditions in Bear Mountain, NY, for example, you’ll see a Flickr-sourced image of Bear Mountain along with the weather data (see above for example). Yahoo’s weather app operates separately from the weather app that comes pre-loaded on the iPhone, although both are powered by Yahoo data.

These new applications are Yahoo’s latest attempt to freshen up the look of its dated offerings. The emphasis on improved mobile experience is one of new CEO Marissa Mayer’s strategies to bring Yahoo back to life.