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Facebook Introduces Verified Pages and Profiles

May 29, 2013

Facebook verification

By Gilbert Falso :: 1:50 PM

Facebook today announced a new feature on the social networking site, designed to help users identify authentic Facebook accounts and pages for celebrities and other high-profile users.

Similar to Twitter’s Verified Account status, Facebook will add a small blue checkmark on the Page or profile of an institution or person who the network has verified is legitimately running the account.

The first set of verification marks will come to Pages, starting with a small group of prominent public figures such as celebrities, journalists, government officials, popular brands and businesses with large audiences. The second phase of the verification rollout will include personal profiles as well.

Blue verification checkmarks will appear directly to the right of the name of the person or business on their page. See the example from pop star Justin Bieber’s verified page above.

Facebook’s help center does not explain the process of how the network verifies its users. Similar to Twitter, there is no way to ask for an account to be considered for verification. Facebook will seek out individual users and brands for verification if they believe their presence on the network warrants it.