20,000 People Tune in to Watch Puddle in Newcastle, England
By: Gilbert Falso :: 11:14 AM
In this day of do-it-yourself broadcast media, with the use of social media tools and platforms, the Internet may have reached a new low. Thousands of people are tuning into a Periscope video feed of a puddle.
Yes, you read that right, a puddle – a wide shallow spot of water along a path in Newcastle, England – has attracted, as of this writing, over 20,000 viewers on Periscope.
The puddle’s popularity on social media is also attracting onlookers to the scene, where they are taking photos with the puddle, bathing in the puddle, and starting up their own Periscope streams.
Welcome to 2016 everyone – the year of the puddle.
Watch for yourself on Periscope.