Rumor Spreading on Instagram Warns of Account Deletion
By Gilbert Falso :: 10:27 PM
A rumor currently circulating on Instagram and Twitter claims that the photo sharing service will be deleting user accounts at random over the next several days.
There are several different strains of the rumor making the rounds. Nearly all are shared as Instagram images (see above for example), and encourage users to repost the image, and tag it with a particular hashtag.
Right now, the most common hashtags accompanying this rumor include #dontdeletemyaccount, #dontdeletemyig, and #dontdeletemyinstagram. Over 275,000 images have been shared with those hashtags so far.
Instagram has not made any public announcement about account deletion on its official Twitter account. The Facebook-owned service has also not yet addressed the many user inquiries abut the rumor.
Despite Instagram’s silence on the issue, it is likely just a rumor, and user accounts are probably not in jeopardy of being deleted – whether or not they share a post on the subject.
Its not a rumor. My account got disabled earlier today, and so did several other people that I know accounts as well. Its most likely a hacker, or something. Its telling everyone who’s accounts are being disabled that its because of a violation of the terms, yet no violations were made.
You’ll get it back, don’t worry.